It started with a lie, deceit and deception from Heather Killebrew, before I even called her, the very first time. I looked her up on google after she messaged me on MATCH in Mid-November of 2017, right before Thanksgiving. The results showed that she was a Real Estate agent, which was untrue, misleading and false. She had been, at one time, but hadn’t been for a long while before November of 2017 and up until August 1st of this year, still wasn’t. It was the start and beginning of many more.
Your statement and opinion is as real as that lie you told the court about me being a cult leader, wanting to kill you and your family. You have a problem with reality, truth and fact. This is no damn movie. It is no damn script and it is no damn drama. Your statement and opinion is beyond irrational and is completely delusional, Ridiculous, absurd, obnoxious, hurtful, harmful, and intentional. The best thing you could’ve done is just not said anything. You chose to provoke and say such ridiculous, absurd, ludicrous, fictional, delusional nonsense. You accuse me of many things, which just are not rational, real, possible, factual or accurate. You accuse me of many things that are just plain over-the-top delusional. I can’t think the way you do. I don’t live and think in a movie script or a damn drama. So you could have chosen not to say anything, which is what I am going to do from this point forward.
2:08 AM 11/21/23
I am afraid and scared of you, you terrify me, and there is damn good reason to be. You lied flat out to a court because you thought this delusional, irrational crap, and you made a statement that was purely based on your imagination. You made a statement full of lies to the court as though it was factual and real, which was purely based on your overactive imagination And need to punish me. You told the court flat out lies full of Ridiculous, absurd ludicrous delusional nonsense to try and take away my freedom. You made a false statement to the court because you didn’t think I’d been punished enough, as you’ve told me and filled it with a bunch of Irrational, delusional, Unrealistic nonsense. Any statement made to the court has to be factual, truthful, and accurate. It doesn’t matter that it’s a victim statement. You flat out lied to a court based purely on your overactive imagination and need to vilify, demonize and punish me as you want me punished. You Project, all of this irrational delusional stuff on me, as though it is real, and I am that Person. So yes, I am completely Terrified of you. I am afraid, scared, and petrified by your need to punish me to vilify me to demonize me and to harm and hurt me. Your last statement and opinion is proof that you intentionally want to harm and hurt me.
2:36 AM 11/21/23
Being in love with you, loving you and caring about you, hurts so damn much all the time. You vilify, demonize, distort, twist, push away, shut out, and dehumanize people. You have more compassion, care and love for that dead bat, which flew into your basement and died months ago, which you have left decaying in your basement then you do for me. You show that dead bat more care, love and understanding than you do me. You’ve made/make things so damn difficult. You told me with such rage and anger how badly you wanted to rip my heart out through my ass, you did and you have. You told me with such rage and anger how badly you wanted me to hurt and how badly you wanted to severely hurt me, which you have. You have a horrible temper and say the most awful unreal and untrue things. I’m no damn villain. I’m no damn demon. I’m no damn monster. I’m not evil. I’m not the devil. I don’t want to kill you or see you dead or hurt or harmed, it isn’t any goal of mine, it’s just your imagination projected on me. I am/was just a man in love with you, who loves/loved you and who wants/wanted everything with you. You shut me out, pushed me away and you’ve done it by demonizing, vilifying, insulting character assassinating and dehumanizing me. You have used Dawne’s death to further harm, damage and hurt me, intentionally. I’m not/wasn’t guilty. I am only guilty of loving you and caring about you and you threw me away for it.
5:31 AM 11/21/23
Lastly, never forget and hold close and tight that you flat out lied to a court to try and get me punished more. Hold that tight and close to you and always remember that. Always remember that you told the court a flat out lie comparing me to Charles Manson. You lied to a court. It doesn’t matter that it was a victim statement, any statement to the court by anyone has to be factual, accurate, correct and truthful. It can’t be imagined or made up nonsense. Hold tight to that fact, and the way that you have always demonized and vilified me, Always trying to dehumanize me. You lied to a court and told the court I was the most vile and heinous of people. Also, remember, I forgave you for it. Hold tight to the fact that you’re not an honest person and your statement to the court to have me punished more is proof of that. I told you the truth, and I was telling you the truth, you distorted it, and twisted it. Hold tight to those facts. Hold tight to this also, I treated you horribly back then, but have done everything since then to better your life. You’ve consistently and continuously pushed, shoved and cast me away. You push and push and push. You’ve so badly harmed, hurt and damaged me and you did it intentionally. Remember that and hold that tight and close to you.
6:30 AM 11/21/23