It started with a lie, deceit and deception from Heather Killebrew, before I even called her, the very first time. I looked her up on google after she messaged me on MATCH in Mid-November of 2017, right before Thanksgiving. The results showed that she was a Real Estate agent, which was untrue, misleading and false. She had been, at one time, but hadn’t been for a long while before November of 2017 and up until August 1st of this year, still wasn’t. It was the start and beginning of many more.
You also spoke about their mother in front of [ My Son Name ] because no way you were able to get him to work in five minutes. I hung up and you had dropped him off before 11:29 when you called me back. So that means once again, you have made [ My Son Name ] think I’m against their mother. The problem is YOU. Your loud obnoxious mouth, your constant bullshit lies. You treat me like I’m some fucking idiot. Enjoy Kristie’s porn asshole. Live it love it enjoy. I’m going to find an honest man. Goodbye. She is disgusting. Ugliest bitch I’ve ever seen but you enjoy.
12:42 PM 06/26/24
This is silly. Since you won’t be honest I will be. Kristie will be a thorn in my side until I die. Since no truths are coming my way, you need to go on and live your life with someone and start honestly. This doesn’t work and it never will. I know in my soul that your heart is with Kristie and I’m forcing my way out so you can be with her and you two can watch the porn and naked pictures and create more memories. Hope you can spend your birthday with her. Sincerely be well and happy.
1:14 PM 06/26/24