It started with a lie, deceit and deception from Heather Killebrew, before I even called her, the very first time. I looked her up on google after she messaged me on MATCH in Mid-November of 2017, right before Thanksgiving. The results showed that she was a Real Estate agent, which was untrue, misleading and false. She had been, at one time, but hadn’t been for a long while before November of 2017 and up until August 1st of this year, still wasn’t. It was the start and beginning of many more.
I am miserable and beyond depressed. They are taking everything this week. I miss my best friend. I am struggling mightily. I know I’m wasting my time by writing this because you’re not reading it anyways. I really need the money, but I know I’m just wasting my time asking. I’ve made it clear about my items and personal belongings.
10:28 AM 08/12/24
I actually do love you. I actually do care deeply about you. I actually am in love with you. I actually miss you so damn much. I am actually totally miserable. I actually am absolutely completely depressed. I am totally desperate for money. My weight has cratered. I am beyond miserable. They actually are going to be taking my truck at the end of the week. I actually desperately did need that money.
10:58 AM 08/12/24
As much as I don’t like this, and I hate it, actually, which makes no difference at all. I just don’t understand not allowing me to get my personal items and belongings back. I’m not asking with any intention of trying to provoke a reaction nor a response. I am asking, simply, because they belong to me. You know how I view this, I’ve expressed it many times. I miss my best friend. I miss you. I am miserable. I am depressed. You have been a major part of my life for a very long time. This has been more than difficult. It is difficult. You know how I view those things and it only adds to how difficult it is. I miss you. I don’t understand about not letting me get my belongings back. I just don’t.
11:35 AM 08/12/24