It started with a lie, deceit and deception from Heather Killebrew, before I even called her, the very first time. I looked her up on google after she messaged me on MATCH in Mid-November of 2017, right before Thanksgiving. The results showed that she was a Real Estate agent, which was untrue, misleading and false. She had been, at one time, but hadn’t been for a long while before November of 2017 and up until August 1st of this year, still wasn’t. It was the start and beginning of many more.
Hello. I go to my last probation meeting this morning at 10. I get to pee in a cup one last time. Next thursday at 12:01 a.m. I will no longer be a convicted felon. I will no longer be an inmate. Yes they did know, there was contact between us. Yes I faced going to prison. You have no idea the stress that I was under and had been living with. You couldn’t possibly. I miss you. I wish things were different. You know how I feel about my personal belongings and items. I love you with all my heart and I am really struggling, but I am functioning and being productive. Just been trying to figure out how to make money. Hope and wish things are going well for you and life finds you well. This has been really difficult, just would like to get my things back from you, if that’s the way you want this. I miss you and I love you.
7:33 AM 08/13/24
You know, I want to be with you and for us to be together, but that doesn’t make any difference to you. I love and adore you. I don’t want to be a nuisance nor cause any problems for you. I just would like my belongings back, since, those things don’t make any difference to you. I’m not asking for anything unusual or out of the ordinary.
1:35 PM 08/13/24